
Privacy Policy

By signing up with Let’s Go, you agree to let us use your information provided herein for the purpose of arranging, conducting and promoting our bike routes.

We may also use your information (including photos) on our website and affiliate sites (including but not limited to) Let’s Go Facebook and Tripadvisor pages.

  • We will not sell or rent your personal information to anyone.
  • We will only share your personal details with a third party when:
    • We have your consent to share the information
    • We need to share your information to provide the product or service you have requested
    • We need to send the information to companies and entities who work with or on behalf of Let’s Go to provide a product or service to you (e.g. delivery of products, processing credit
      card payments, etc.)
    • We respond to subpoenas, court orders or legal process; or
    • We find that your actions on our websites violate our terms and conditions of use or any of our usage guidelines for specific products and services.


This policy is subject to any existing laws of the Republic of Singapore in relation to the protection of information and if required by any lawful authority for any legal purposes such as the enforcement of any laws or to prevent the breaching of any laws, we shall release all such information as is legally required by the requisite and lawful authority in accordance with the directions of the lawful court of the competent jurisdiction.
